platform for interactive spatial communication
of urban development plans

join our 2024 Pilot Program!

a real-time link

between citizens and professionals

physical maquettes

time & resource intensive, often outdated by the time they are done, hard to update

feedback collection

post-it notes and written forms are nor engaging, hard to process & quantify

reaching citizens

only a few paople can make it to workshops at specific times

informing & sharing updates

multiple sources, countless links, rows of .pdf's - is what it takes understand a development plan

analysting data & producing reports

data that is hard to capture is hard to analyse & draw useful conclustions

creating presentation materials

multiple man-hours are spent in each team preparing presentation materials

Let's face it: current systems for communication of urban development plans
are incredibly inefficient & resource intensive

Our offer?
Multiple communication tools under one digital roof
minimising costs, time and complexity

PublicTwin is a platform developed for:




community managers

Our goal?
To revolutionize communication of urban development plans
with interactive models, smart insights and participatory decision making

physical maquettes

time & resource intensive, often outdated by the time they are done, hard to update

feedback collection

post-it notes and written forms are nor engaging, hard to process & quantify

reaching citizens

only a few paople can make it to workshops at specific times

informing & sharing updates

multiple sources, countless links, rows of .pdf's - is what it takes understand a development plan

analysting data & producing reports

data that is hard to capture is hard to analyse & draw useful conclustions

creating presentation materials

multiple man-hours are spent in each team preparing presentation materials

Let's face it: current systems for communication of urban development plans
are incredibly inefficient & resource intensive

Our offer?
Multiple communication tools under one digital roof
minimizing costs, time and complexity

PublicTwin is a platform developed for:




community managers

Our goal?
To revolutionize communication of urban development plans with interactive models, smart insights and participatory decision making

physical maquettes

time & resource intensive, often outdated by the time they are done, hard to update

feedback collection

post-it notes and written forms are nor engaging, hard to process & quantify

reaching citizens

only a few paople can make it to workshops at specific times

informing & sharing updates

multiple sources, countless links, rows of .pdf's - is what it takes understand a development plan

analysting data & producing reports

data that is hard to capture is hard to analyse & draw useful conclustions

creating presentation materials

multiple man-hours are spent in each team preparing presentation materials

Let's face it: current systems for communication of urban development plans
are incredibly inefficient & resource intensive

Our offer?
Multiple communication tools under one digital roof
minimising costs, time and complexity

PublicTwin is a platform developed for:




community managers

Our goal?
To revolutionize communication of urban development plans
with interactive models, smart insights and participatory decision making

so, how does it work?

digital twin

participation mode

digital maquette

explore our unique ecosystem of services
radically simplifying communication of urban development plans!

Communicaiton of development plans. Redefined.

digital maquette

How many websites does it take to find information about all aspects of the urban development? 
Currently - dozens. And we believe one is enough.

Digital Maquette is a window to information about plots, construction stages, sales status, open participation actions, questionnaires and their results. It links to all relevant documents, contacts and websites and can be embedded anywhere. Constantly evolving, adaptable, fully interactive model linking all public information about future development in one place! With each plot working as an independent tab professionals can continuously update it and other stakeholders and citizens will get a clear overview of the development in real time.

Engage citizens & stakeholders like never before & automate feedback colleciton.

participation mode

How many post-it notes, bursting mailboxes and man-hours does it take to collect and analyze citizen and stakeholder feedback? 
Too many. We believe this process can be streamlined so you can focus on interacting and decision making.

With PublicTwin you can not only present the information but more importantly allow for a two-way interaction collecting user input by running polls, questionnaires and tracking engagement analytics directly through digital maquette interface. Best thing? All information is aggregated in one place in real time.

Used for participatory meetings, workshops, online polls, stakeholder meerings, design reviews and more!

+ smart reporting

From collected answers we can automatically generate reports and insights profiled to specific stakeholders which could be used as:
- proof of participation efforts
- brief for designers
- valuable market & customer insights for investors

Participation system was developed for hybrid approach taking into consideration both online and in-person sessions. You can easily collect answers during physical workshops from everyone at once through mobile voting system and discuss results in real-time!

Area development vision updated in real time. Hard to believe it's possible online - but it is.

area digital twin

Gaming engines, digital twinning, cloud streaming & AI processing come together to create this swiss-knife solution for area marketing replacing multiple expenses and allowing everyone to create unlimited content.

Digital maquette can be supercharged with drip's marketing grade realistic digital twin - shared and co-developed by involved stakeholders. It can be used for extracting variety of promotional material giving a real sense of what's to come and integrate any type of geo-referenced data.

our pricing model

Get to know our simple pricing model. In 3 easy steps you can get an overview of what it would cost to launch your project! Currently we offer a special discount for our early adopters within Pilot Program offer!

• step 1: create an interactive online model!
• step 2: add project-specific custom features!
• step 3: host, share & analyze!

step 1:
create an interactive
online model!

We start with a sketch, drawing or model, optimize it for you and convert it into interactive online tools with wide range of possible applications!

Developers, architects, municipality officials, cooperatives and community managers - we developed various plans to work at different scales with one goal: improved communication & more collaborative design process!

Get in touch if you need help picking the right plan for your specific project!


digital maquette

interactive model - web-based, fast & intuitive


digital twin lite

test quickly and present your concepts in realistic context


digital twin premium

advanced presentation & marketing tool

single plot maquette

Our low-threshold offer to get you equipped with interactive presentation model ready for participation actions anywhere at any scale!


from € 500

test free of charge
during our Pilot Program*

start now!
Pilot Program offer

setup: 1-2 days

*limited availability

masterplan maquette

"That's how all development plans should be shared!" If you are working on area development plans, cluster of buildings, infrastructure or public space projects get in touch!

from € 3000

from € 5000

this pricing applies
during our Pilot Program*

start now!
Pilot Program offer

setup: 1-2 weeks

*limited availability

step 2:
add project-specific
custom features

Each model can be augmented with customized project-specific features according to your needs!

Click on a features name to display its description and estimated delivery time you should assume would be added to the project timeline.

• customized participation action

from € 250

• order participation report

from € 150

• customized project showcase

from € 500

• geolocated AR experience

from € 500

• apartment sales module*

from € 2000

• custom feature

get in touch!

step 3:
host, share & analyze

All our tools and experiences run online and don't require cumbersome installation nor powerful PCs .

All you need is a stable internet connection and the associated running costs are covered by our simple hosting plan.


digital maquette hosting

replace all links & tabs with one interactive model - web-based, fast & intuitive


digital twins hosting

test quickly and present your concepts in real-life context - shared online with anyone

base plan

What you get?

• possibility to share experiences online and embed on any website

• access to user analytics

• real-time questionnaire results


from € 90

test free of charge
during our Pilot Program*

start now!
Pilot Program offer

setup: 1-2 days

*limited availability

in development

premium plan

What you get?

• advanced CRM features

• direct connection to your databases

• API connection to our application

from € 90   

from € 150

this pricing applies
during our Pilot Program*

start now!
Pilot Program offer

setup: 1-2 weeks

*limited availability

join our 2024 Pilot Program!

For the next few months we are onboarding companies and organizations interested in becoming early adopters before Beta Launch offering highly favourable pricing, highest level of support and an opporunity to have a direct influence on the platform functionalities and development priorities.

Nieuw Delft




Dijk Park Rotterdam

developer? architect? CPO? municipality offical?
or one of our hero active citizens?